Kingdom Bank

Kingdom Bank

Kingdom Bank is a Christian bank, established in the United Kingdom in the 1950s. The bank was founded by a pastor, George Oldershaw, to finance the growth and development of UK churches after he found it difficult to secure lending for church properties from traditional High Street banks.

Reviews Rating
Review Score
This figure is an average of the reviews score, taken from customer reviews and the overall rating of the bank.
BankRank® Score
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Matt Crabtree
Senior Editor
Matt Crabtree
Matt Crabtree is a senior editor at CompareBanks. He has over 10 years experience in writing about all aspects of finance and is passionate about helping consumers make informed decisions about their money.
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First Glance

Kingdom Bank is a Christian bank, established in the United Kingdom in the 1950s. The bank was founded by a pastor, George Oldershaw, to finance the growth and development of UK churches after he found it difficult to secure lending for church properties from traditional High Street banks.


Contact Info

Ruddington Fields Business park, Mere Way, Ruddington, Nottingham NG11 6JY, UK
0115 921 7250

About Kingdom Bank

Kingdom Bank is a Christian bank, established in the United Kingdom in the 1950s. The bank was founded by a pastor, George Oldershaw, to finance the growth and development of UK churches after he found it difficult to secure lending for church properties from traditional High Street banks.

The company became a charity, named Assemblies of God Property Trust, in 1954 and received its banking licence in the 1980s. The bank was founded in 2005, and was then sold to the Christian charity Stewardship – the deal was agreed in September 2019 and went through in March 2020.

As a Christian organisation, the Christian faith informs all of Kingdom Bank’s activities. Profits are donated to good causes and the bank focuses on improving lives through the development it offers to churches. Staff at the bank are given time to pray and directors and staff go on annual Christian retreats.

Kingdom Bank Products and Services

Kingdom offers a wide range of savings accounts for individuals, churches and charities. These savings are loaned to churches and charities to help them build and develop.

Kingdom Bank offers savings accounts to churches and individuals that are ethical, with money used to fund the mortgage lending. Savings accounts are protected by the Financial Services Compensation Scheme.

Kingdom insures the activities of its churches and their activities, which may include insurance products for charities, clubs and associations, community groups, trustee indemnity, professional indemnity and community minibus cover.

Kingdom Bank also has a portfolio of mortgage products for churches, charities, missionaries, ministers, church workers and social enterprises.

You can view all available products on the Kingdom Bank website.

Kingdom Bank Security

Kingdom Bank is authorised by the Prudential Regulation Authority (PRA) and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority (FCA) and Prudential Regulation Authority.

Kingdom Bank Contact Details

Media House
Padge Road

Email: [email protected]

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How to qualify for a loan — Kevin bangara

Can sri lankans or indians open an account — Bonfilius Xavier

Does Kingdom Bank have current account. Will I be able to switch my salary account and set up Direct Debits on household bills on the account. — Omotayo Oshoko

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Kingdom Bank Accounts

One Year Fixed Rate Cash ISA
One Year Fixed Rate Cash ISA
Monthly Fee
Interest Rate
Overdraft Rate
Two Year Fixed Rate Cash ISA
Two Year Fixed Rate Cash ISA
Monthly Fee
Interest Rate
Overdraft Rate
60-Day Notice Deposit Account
60-Day Notice Deposit Account
Monthly Fee
Interest Rate
Overdraft Rate
Easy Access Account
Easy Access Account
Monthly Fee
Interest Rate
Overdraft Rate
Individual Savings Bonds - 6 months
Individual Savings Bonds - 6 months
Monthly Fee
0.10%, 0.20%
Interest Rate
Overdraft Rate
Individual Savings Bonds - 12 months
Individual Savings Bonds - 12 months
Monthly Fee
0.20%, 0.30%
Interest Rate
Overdraft Rate
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