Gatehouse Bank

Gatehouse Bank

Gatehouse Bank, formerly known as Milestone Savings, is a UK challenger bank based in London. Founded in 2008, the bank is Sharia compliant. The Milestone Capital PCC programme, founded in 2009, helps banks to raise funds from Islamic capital markets.

Reviews Rating
Review Score
This figure is an average of the reviews score, taken from customer reviews and the overall rating of the bank.
BankRank® Score
This figure is the average of the bank’s total sentiment score and the review scores.
Matt Crabtree
Senior Editor
Matt Crabtree
Matt Crabtree is a senior editor at CompareBanks. He has over 10 years experience in writing about all aspects of finance and is passionate about helping consumers make informed decisions about their money.
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First Glance

Gatehouse Bank, formerly known as Milestone Savings, is a UK challenger bank based in London. Founded in 2008, the bank is Sharia compliant. The Milestone Capital PCC programme, founded in 2009, helps banks to raise funds from Islamic capital markets.


Contact Info

44 20 7070 6000

About Gatehouse Bank

Gatehouse Bank, formerly known as Milestone Savings, is a UK challenger bank based in London. Founded in 2008, the bank is Sharia compliant. The Milestone Capital PCC programme, founded in 2009, helps banks to raise funds from Islamic capital markets.

Sharia compliance means that the bank does not invest in prohibited markets such as gambling, the tobacco industry, alcohol or arms. Sharia banking also prohibits speculation or what is called ‘excessive uncertainty’. Accounts in Sharia-compliant banks do not earn interest.

Part of the wider Gatehouse Financial Group, Gatehouse also invests in the UK private housing sector, with the goal of addressing the country’s housing shortages. The programme was singled out as a good example of how foreign investment can aid the housing sector in 2015. 

Gatehouse Bank Products and Services

Gatehouse Bank provides financial and savings products for commercial and residential real estate. One of the cornerstones of the bank’s business is buy-to-let finance, from straightforward investment in individual residences to company finance and boosting property portfolios. The bank also provides property finance for expats, with some conditions. Properties must be in England and Wales and must be investment properties. Gatehouse must also approve the surveyor.

Buy-to-let finance can be offered directly to the consumer or via an intermediary.

The corporate finance team at Gatehouse arranges commercial real estate finance for customers including asset managers, property developers and investors. Areas that are covered include:

  • Mezzanine financing
  • Restructuring
  • Acquisitions, development and refurbishment
  • Asset refinancing

Gatehouse also sources, and offers advice in, the UK build-to-rent sector.

Security at Gatehouse Bank

Gatehouse Bank is authorised by the Prudential Regulation Authority (PRA) and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority (FCA) and Prudential Regulation Authority. Some products do fall outside the remit of the FCA; more information can be found at the Gatehouse website.

Gatehouse Bank Contact Details

14 Grosvenor St

Telephone: 020 7070 6000

Email: [email protected]

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Hi all can i transfer other isas into your 5year isa Thanks Kenneth — kenneth paterson

what is your policy if a person dies before the term of a fixed bond — john edwards

Gatehouse Bank Reviews

Chris Wells
March 22, 2024

“No stars. Impossible to deal with and they do not own up to their errors, even when financial ombudsman decides against them and then they don't pay up”

No stars. Impossible to deal with and they do not own up to their errors, even when financial ombudsman decides against them and then they don't pay up. Customer service, appalling. OK if everything goes right. Horrendous if it doesn't you're just ignored but don't go away, continue fighting. Not recommend at all.

Iali Ali
March 22, 2024

“L0 STARS. TIME WASTERS. 1) A few weeks ago I was offered a mortgage of 220k”

1) A few weeks ago I was offered a mortgage of 220k. Three weeks later they brought it down to 185k. Nothing on my side had changed e.g. pay, costs etc. Why couldn't you tell me that in the first place instead of wasting 3 weeks of my time. Could have lost the house I wanted to purchase.
2) THEY MAKE YOU WASTE MONEY…Before the application begins(day one) they demand unnecessary documents to be certified. Getting certified documents obviously cost me alot of money. After that, they confirm how much mortgage they will give you, whether you can afford to go ahead or not. Why don't you take the income of an applicant e.g. payslips and bank statements and workout the affordability and then ask for certified documents. In this manner, the applicant doesn't lose money if they can't go ahead with the mortgage application. Money wasted on getting documents certified by solicitors
3) All documents need to be submitted on their online portal, which doesn't accept certain scans and copies. Why can't you keep it simple?
4) we submitted genuine payslips and statements to prove the monthly pay. Yet, they still wanted a contract of employment. Which other mortgage provider asks for such unnecessary documents? So much inconvenience caused.
4) proof of petrol costs requested on bank statements which I found bizarre as I confirmed that I pay by cash and I do not commute alot.

A let down for me

Jess Lee
April 15, 2022


I supported John Smith comments.
My case is similar to John.
This was not handled in a Professional manner which I expect professional service from a Sharia Complaint Provider.
I have actually obtained Principle-in-Approval from Gatehouse on Jan 2022.
After a 3/4 mths wait with documents reviews n keep asking for more documentation proof & interest rate increased bank-wide & I’ve actually paid my property valuation fee as advised by my agent in-order to speed up to close for full completion.
The Bank booked the surveyor to value the property on 13th Apr 2022 & sudden release that they have reached their max exposure cap & rejected the whole thing. That’s it!
If the Bank underwriter knows internally that this is going to happen then why wait till the last minute to reject when you guys knows that my developers solicitors has given a tight deadline by end Apr for full completion. You expect me to look for another UK lender n re-start my process to meet end Apr deadline?
Are you guy gg to refund my valuation fees??? GBP322 I’ve wired on 22mar2022.
I’m based in Singapore n I’m definitely filed to CASE to report this unpleasant incident.
I expect Gatehouse bank to give a response to my feedback.
Your staff didn’t handled it well
Unprofessional attribute to my case.

8 persons found this helpful
Tony Smith
December 8, 2021

“I believe that Gatehouse bank is not a suitable bank to lend money”

I believe that Gatehouse bank is not a suitable bank to lend money. The underwriting is just unbelievable and not acceptable comparing to other average lenders in the market.
I think gatehouse bank has it's own internal understanding and only lend to who and how they wish to lend money to, which I found it very unfair.
The underwriters usually request for the same information over and over like they don't have a updated client information data system.
they drag a case for so long, usually 3-6 months for a simple mortgage case and eventually they decline the case for no reason whatsoever??!! This is for mortgage and business finance.
The underwriting team works based on discretion and not facts.
I had many of my friends dealing placing their mortgage application with Gatehouse bank and not even one of them succeeded to get a mortgage from gatehouse. Without exception, they took minimum of 3 months + to come back with a decline answer.
Please tell me, which average vendor would wait for a buyer to gat a mortgage offer in 3-6 moths?? Doesn't this question comes across the underwriter's mind??
They probably say it's our criteria and AML, compliances reasons etc, yes, we all understand this but why this decisions are not dealt with it at the beginning or dealt with promptly? If you are busy, then business must be booming, then why don't you employ more people? I believe that this bank has a different agenda and I will be looking into their activities closely in the near future.
gatehouse bank is a waist of time to deal with and I would never recommend them to anyone as they don't have no understanding of the market nor they treat their clients fairly or have any sympathy with anyone's cases.
I think the processing team in this bank are just engaging themselves with the applicants without producing any results. they just keeping themselves busy in order to receive salaries which I think this is very unfair to the shareholders of the bank.
I believe that, the processing team and underwriters are either not trained properly or they are incompetent individuals working for this bank.
I would recommend that the underwriting team and the processing team should be reviewed and trained like a normal bank who can assist the people and the community.


17 persons found this helpful

Gatehouse Bank Accounts

1 Year Fixed Term Green Saver
1 Year Fixed Term Green Saver
Personal, Savings
Monthly Fee
Interest Rate
Overdraft Rate
2 Year Fixed Term Green Saver
2 Year Fixed Term Green Saver
Personal, Savings
Monthly Fee
Interest Rate
Overdraft Rate
3 Year Fixed Term Green Saver
3 Year Fixed Term Green Saver
Personal, Savings
Monthly Fee
Interest Rate
Overdraft Rate
5 Year Fixed Term Green Saver
5 Year Fixed Term Green Saver
Personal, Savings
Monthly Fee
Interest Rate
Overdraft Rate
1 Year Fixed Term Green Cash ISA
1 Year Fixed Term Green Cash ISA
Personal, Savings
Monthly Fee
Interest Rate
Overdraft Rate
2 Year Fixed Term Green Cash ISA
2 Year Fixed Term Green Cash ISA
Personal, Savings
Monthly Fee
Interest Rate
Overdraft Rate
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